“Promotion of Knowledge Economy Law”

Current system

We have extensive experience in this matter and have applied the Software Industry Promotion Law from its beginning (since 2007). It is the legal predecessor that originated this new promotion system in January 2020.

Our multidisciplinary team, along with prestigious lawyers in the subject (BPCM www.bpcm.com.ar), helps your company with the initial preparation, gathering of the necessary information, and preparation of the documents to be presented, as well as with the post-application management in order to register

We are adherent partners of POLO IT Buenos Aires, one of the firms that acts as a consultant to this organization’s partners, together with the well-known BIG FOUR “KPMG”.

Do you need advice?

Leave your question and our team will answer shortly.


Here, you can find all the links to the different everyday platforms.

25 de Mayo 596, piso 9  – Autonomous City of Buenos Aires – Argentina


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